Marta g aller el independiente


[This publication is based on the premise that we are living a systemic crisis that can only be solved with systemic alternatives. What humanity is facing is not only an environmental, economic, social, geopolitical, institutional or civilizational crisis. All these crises are part of a whole. It is impossible to solve one of these crises without addressing the others as a whole. The construction … Continue reading Book: Systemic Alternatives

[Edgardo Lander, 12/01/2017] Being of the left today implies basic historical continuities with the ideas and values of the left since the 19th century, as well as fundamental ruptures with some of what were dominant ideas in the thinking and practice of the left in the 19th and 20th centuries.[2] In continuity with the values and conceptions of previous centuries, being of the … Continue reading What does it mean to be of the left today?

[Christiane Kliemann, 23/01/2015, The Guardian] The new year has just begun and we’re already inundated with horrible news: two new reports have collected further evidence that human economic activity puts life on Earth at risk, and another shocked us with the fact that the 85 richest people on the planet are as wealthy as the poorest 50% – and that the gap between them is … Continue reading Let’s face it: we have to choose between our economy and our future

  Contacto con marta garcia aller

Ónega fernando

The key is in the avocados. It’s not going to be IMF warnings, or Financial Times editorials, much less Chinese President Xi Jinping in Davos raising his voice in defense of globalization. No. What might really make Donald Trump’s voters doubt that imposing tariffs on Mexico is a good idea is avocados.

The new U.S. president has promised his voters to make America great again by implementing protectionist measures that would decrease Mexican imports. What he has not explained to them is that, if his tariff threats are carried out, Super Bowl half-time nachos with guacamole are in danger of becoming a luxury item. And no post-truth can resist that.

If the new president makes good on his electoral threat to impose a 35% tariff on Mexico (he later proposed an unspecified “border tax”), their price in the U.S. could skyrocket. So far, his protectionist rhetoric has focused on automakers. But the agricultural industry is expectant of what might happen.


This prize is awarded to professionals and entities that, in the opinion of the jury, have stood out in the dissemination of work on aspects related to new information and communication systems and their applications.

The “Journalism Award in the Social Integration category” has been granted to Antonio García Encinas, journalist of El Norte de Castilla since 1997. Antonio has collaborated in the Local and Sports sections, and holds a degree from the Complutense University of Madrid. He has been a professor of Information Technology at the University of Valladolid and is a strong advocate of online journalism as a complement to printed information. In his works with a social component, he defends the role of technology as a fundamental support for the social integration of people with disabilities.

  Marta garcia aller empleos que se acaban

In the category of “Lifetime Achievement Award for the benefit of vulnerable groups”, the jury decided to recognize UNHCR, awarded 20,000 euros, for its work to raise awareness and educate children in refugee camps. UNHCR uses technology to ensure the education of the youngest refugees thanks to portable digital schools, independent of connection and electricity.

Bath universidad

[Nick Dearden, 3 de junio de 2019, Red Pepper] “He viajado 24 horas, de Manila a Río, para estar aquí y, sin embargo, políticamente siento que no he salido de casa”. Walden Bello, referente del “movimiento antiglobalización” y ex congresista filipino reflexionó sobre el ascenso de los “hombres fuertes” de la derecha autoritaria desde Filipinas hasta Brasil. Me uní a él en Brasil para evaluar qué ha cambiado en los 20 … Continúa leyendo El trumpismo es el plan B del capitalismo

[Red Sindical para la Sostenibilidad] Donald Trump y sus aliados republicanos en el Congreso han tomado el control del gobierno de Estados Unidos. El resultado amenaza con ser devastador tanto para el trabajo como para el clima, por no hablar de los inmigrantes, los afroamericanos, los musulmanes, las mujeres, los niños, los ancianos, los discapacitados, las personas LGBTQ y muchos otros. El régimen de Trump es potencialmente vulnerable porque sólo representa los intereses del 1% más … Continúa leyendo Cómo los sindicatos y el clima unidos pueden vencer a Donald Trump

  Marta garcia aller periodista

[Luciana Ghiotto, Evelin Heidel, 15/12/2016,] Trump acaba de anunciar su agenda de los primeros 100 días de gobierno. Uno de los puntos que destacan en materia de estrategia comercial es el abandono del Tratado Transpacífico, o TPP. Así, dejaría de lado el legado de Obama para los EEUU en su disputa comercial con China. A raíz de esta nueva situación, nos preguntamos, ¿el TPP … Continúa leyendo Muerto el TPP, ¡viva la liberalización!

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